Neilson Bookkeeping

For fast friendly service:


cell: 530-933-1232

fax:  530-633-0223

Hours 9am - 5pm M-F PST

We accept Discover, Mastercard and Visa.

Bookkeeping as Easy as 123!

Contact and Online Payments

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Contact Information





Mail:    Neilson Bookkeeping

                    6900 Andressen Rd.

                    Sheridan CA 95681


Phone: 530-933-1232


Fax:    530-633-0223



Hours:   M-F  9am -5pm PST

             Saturday and Evenings by Appt.



       Call or e-mail for office or onsite appointment.




Payment Information


                We accept major credit cards AMEX, Discover, Mastercard and Visa. Cash and checks accepted.  For PayPal payments use the link below.



We have added the PayPal feature for clients that wish to pay for bookkeeping and tax preparation online with their PayPal account.   When using this feature please make sure to note your full name in the message section of payment so we can apply your payments to the proper account.